• An estimated over 120 collective autoimmune disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis, Crohn's, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hashimotos, fibromyalgia are some

    – All autoimmune diseases share one thing in common in all cases… that the immune system becomes unbalanced and attacks the bodies tissue and organs.

  • There are many factors and mechanisms when it comes to the causes of autoimmune disorders. Dietary, Digest Health (Food Senesitivies/Allergies, Leaky Gut), Genetic Susceptibility, Stress/Tramua, Infections (Lyme, EBV, CMV, Retro-viruses) and Environmental components, making Autoimmune diseases very complex making is difficult to treat and manage

    – By identifying and removing these potential causes, ones condition can start to be reversed bringing a individual back to balance and healing

  • How and where to begin to discover underlying causes? Functional medicine tests can uncover many underlying factors that drive autoimmune.Recommendations and access to functional testing, when applicable. This may include food sensitivity testing, stool/microbiome testing, SIBO breath testing, Organic acid testing, mycotoxin profiles and more.

    – Personalized functional testing in combination of lifestyle changes, proper therapeutic dietary approach, and customized supplementation will help to restore and rebalance the immune system to better control flare ups and become less reactive


  • Today's world is alot different, especially when it comes to the abundance of toxic exposures your body takes. With the accumulation on a daily bases, over time without proper elimination our toxic load increases leading to chronic diseases

    – Detoxification is an ongoing process. It is imperative when it comes to a chronic illness or as daily maintenance.

  • The liver's primary purpose is to breakdown and remove toxins from the body. As accumulation builds, toxins that are not excreted as part as the normal detoxification process, get stored in fatty tissues which then compromises the immune system

    – Air pollutants, food additives, agricultural chemicals, drugs, cosmetics, infections, airborne allergens, bacterial and fungal by-products, hormone overload, increased free radicals, toxic metabolic by-products, immune complexes from food allergies, toxic emotions and more

  • As someone suffering with a chronic illness, detoxification is a key part of any ongoing health program. Useful functional tests include, heavy metals, glyphosate (roundup), GPL Tox chemical panel, and comprehensive digestive stool analysis

    – by removing the sources of the accumulations of toxins, one begins to lighten the load on the immune system leading to increased detoxification brining one to balance


  • Digestive health has become a growing epidemic weather it is IBS, IBD or structural issues, the health of our microbiomes play a significant factor in any type of chronic illness today.

    - Symptoms can vary from gas and bloating, abdominal pain and discomfort, diarrhea and constipation, heartburn and acid reflex, etc. If not properly assessed, symptoms can develop into more chronic issues.

  • The way we eat, our lifestyle and our environment are main contributors that impact our digestive health. Processed foods, refined sugars, food allergens/sensitivities, smoking, alcohol consumption, chemicals, and emotions significantly alter our gut health leading to a decreased immune system and an increase susceptibility to other illnesses.

    - By becoming a detective, removing food contaminants, toxic exposures and identifying our purpose in life, we start to lift the immune system and remove roots causes. Remember, 80% of our immune system is in our gut.

  • Useful functional testing includes, Comprehensive Digest Stool Analysis, GI Map, Organic Acids, Food Sensitivity Testing, SIBO Breathe Test, etc.

    - By having data points, a personalized plan is developed to starting REMOVING the root causes, using a customized therapeutic meal plan and using lifestyle cooping, ones digestion starts to optimize leading the greater health and wellness.


  • Mold illness AKA Water Damaged building syndrome is not a well established diagnoses’ in the medical field. Mold is something we cannot hide from even in our indoor environment but certain types of mold produces mycotoxins and other yeast species that wreak havoc on the immune system and are toxic.

    - According to some statistics, roughly 50% of building are water-damaged, meaning they’ve had past issues before and current problems as well.

  • What symptoms someone might feel with current and even past exposure? this becomes a laundry list of symptoms but some are the more common ones are electric shock sensations, pulsing and vibrating sensations that run up and down body, ice pick- like pains, fatigue, weakness, IBS symptoms, coughing, chest pains, chronic sinus congestion and cognitive symptoms.

    - Other sources of Mold exposure not only come from water damaged buildings but anywhere that has moisture and organic materials like drywall or cardboard even carpet. other locations include your car, your working environment, basements, crawl spaces and attics to name a few.

  • Functional testing to consider if suspicion of exposure are Organic Acids Tests, Myco-Tox Panel, and Real Time Labs. Also to consider is testing your environment for current exposures.

    - With the right data, tools and approach, a personalized program, decreasing of exposures, specific supplementation and dietary aspects, one can begin to remove toxins and bring the body back into a state of balance.


Lyme Disease

  • One of the most controversial and understudied is Lyme Disease and has been a landmine ready to explode. What people don’t know and realize is that it’s not just Lyme itself but a mixture of infections where physicians lack the knowledge to understand and differentiate them.

    - Lyme is classified as a vetor-borne illness in which statistics show it is one of the most fastest growing infectious disease and most common. Why? Climate control, deforestation and population growth has increased human exposure.

  • Lyme- The Great Imitator, some common symptoms include joint pain, muscle pain. headaches, stiff neck, sleep issues, heart palpitations, flu-like symptoms, numbness and tingling, digestive disorders, etc.

    - Most common people with a diagnose of any autoimmune condition (MS, Rheumatoid Arthritis, etc.), Neurodegenerative disease, IBS, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Heart Failure, Neuropathy and others, a a potential root cause is an underlying vector borne infections…

  • What kind of testing is there for this condition? some of the most common testing to date are IGenX Labs, Armin Labs and DNA Connexions. Some of these will not only just test for Lyme species but other Lyme-like organisms and co-infections as well.

    - Vector-Borne illness is a complex multiple system infection disease which needs holistic and functional approach. With the right team, support and patience, one can start yo strip aways the layers and gradually bring them selves back to balance.